48 maanden
Our team's eco-friendly New Year's resolutions

Team Live Light's eco-friendly New Year's resolutions

As our team welcomes a new year, we reflect on our goals and aspirations: time for some New Year's resolutions! Instead of setting unattainable resolutions for ourselves, the Live Light team members picked eco-friendly resolutions. Following are some simple and practical ways to make a difference, and you can easily undertake them too!
Discover our team's eco-friendly resolutions.

Elise would like to reuse more

"I already have a circular hand soap I can refill or take my e-coffee cup with me to grab a coffee to go. Next year, I would like to take it to the next level and look for more ways to reuse items in my day-to-day."

Sophie will stop buying products with microplastics or that are unfairly made

"I want to pay even more attention to the products I buy. I don't want any items with microplastics in them, that aren't fairtrade or use inhumane practices (deforestation, forced labour, child labour, animal cruelty, etc)"

Prisca wants to eat less meat & dairy

"I'd like to cut back on meat and dairy because I'd like to acknowledge the ethical impact of what I eat. The livestock industry for example has a big role in deforestation, greenhouse gas emissions, and resource depletion."

Margaux would like to eat less meat

"In the new year, I would like to focus on eating less meat and more plant-based. I will continue to look for new recipes or meat replacements."

Simon wants to own more reusable items

"I’d like to minimise the amount of things I throw away by investing in reusable items (reusable water bottle, thermos, bags, rechargeable batteries, etc)"

Alisson is going to use her car less

"Even though I now own an electric car, I would like to use my bike more for short distances and use my car way less."

Kathleen will quit using plastic bottles

"I’d like to stop using plastic water bottles altogether. I've wishlisted a reusable bottle and invested in a water filter at home. So far, so good!"

Arabelle will stop using paper towels

"Did you know that disposable paper products account for more than one-quarter of landfill waste? That's why I'd like to stop using paper towels. Paper production causes deforestation, uses enormous amounts of energy and water, and contributes to air pollution and waste problems."

Alexia will buy more eco-friendly groceries

"I will keep an extra eye out for plastic packaging and will invest in reusable items. A reusable coffee cup, for example, is on the wishlist."

Charlotte wants to cut down her waste

"I want to invest more in circular solutions next year and cut down on my waste. No more coffees to go, no online shopping, .... I'd like to see much less plastics come into my home."

Danny would like to bike more

"In 2024 I would like to bike much more, good for the environment, good for my health!"

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