Happy 2022!
Now that the holiday festivities have settled down and we’ve had some time to reflect on the year that has gone by, it’s time to focus on the future. The team at Live Light is convinced that there’s no better way to kick off the new year than by sharing our brand new resolutions and motivational ideas. Read on for a glimpse of how our team wants to start the year ahead.
"My New Year’s resolution is going to bed earlier, so I can stop snoozing and get back into a healthy morning routine. I used to be an early bird who jumped out of bed when my alarm went off. I even used to wake up before my alarm because I couldn’t sleep anymore. But these past weeks I hit the snooze button at least 3 times and rushed into the morning.
That’s why, in 2022, I want to return to a good (early) morning routine, so I can slowly take a morning walk with my dog, grab a coffee or even take up a sport. This will help me feel more productive and energetic at the start of my workday - and I could even get started earlier."

"My resolution is to read 1 book every month, in other words 12 books a year. For 2021 I’ve reached 10.95 books (currently I’ve almost finished ‘GRIT’ from Angela Duckworth). With only 20 days to go, it will be hard to reach 12. But next year, I’ll try it again! I’m a bad and slow reader. In fact, I don’t like reading. But I love the information, knowledge and inspiration it brings."
"In 2022, it’s my goal to practice more patience with everything, but mostly with myself. I’m not great with waiting lines, waiting for stuff, etc. I already practice mindfulness and yoga to stay centered. Last weekend we got a kitten, which is supposed to increase my patience. He tests me a lot and I hope that will help. So, it’s my resolution to be more patient and to be an amazing cat mom in 2022."

"I would like to step out of my comfort zone and grow as a person. I’d love to do this by travelling solo to countries like the Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia and Vietnam for a few months and get to know beautiful places, cultures and other perspectives. It would be the first time I travel alone. I hope to grow personally through this experience by meeting inspiring people, trying different yoga practices and enhancing my communicative, problem-solving and adaptational skills."
"My New Year's resolution for 2022 is that I would really like to spend more time with my godchild George, my brother’s son. He is now 2.5 years old and has recently started going to school. Because of Covid, I really feel like I missed out on a lot of quality time with him. Every time I’m with him, he makes me laugh so hard. He is truly the sweetest and happiest child (although I sometimes miss the moments when he was still a small baby). Soon he will become a big brother to a little sister.... So, I am looking forward to spending time with her, too!"

"My New Year’s resolution is to not let my vegetable garden die! When we bought our house 2 years ago we were super excited that it came with a greenhouse in the garden. The first year we managed to grow a few vegetables, but last year I didn’t follow through to the end and eventually most of my plants, especially the tomatoes, died due to the summer heat. For 2022, I plan to bring a large basket of homegrown tomatoes to the office!"
"My New Year’s resolution is to play more sports. When I was younger, I played sports at least twice a week. Since I started working, I make much less time for it. And as much as I love driving a car, it’s a better idea to take my bicycle out more often on the weekend and even cycle to work because my commute is only 7 km. The bike paths around here are awesome, especially early in the morning, before everyone is up. I also want to keep doing my paddle training on Tuesdays and do 100 push-ups a day."

"As I get older (read: have more responsibilities) and with life just getting more serious, I would like to buy my own apartment instead of renting a place. Over the past few months this thought really took hold in my mind. My goal for 2022 is to created my own home and to have a good foundation for building something up by the end of next year. I can’t wait to start selecting our beautiful Live Light furniture and make use of our great service myself!"
"My resolution for 2022 is that I want to spend a lot more time creating memories with my family. Especially with my youngest, Louie, who just turned 4 and is starting to discover the world. It’s incredible to see him evolve, learn and explore. I am looking forward to his and our new adventures."